Results for 'Kevin L. Miñoza'

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  1.  69
    Reconsidering Public Relations' Infatuation With Dialogue: Why Engagement and Reconciliation Can Be More Ethical Than Symmetry and Reciprocity.Kevin L. Stoker & Kati A. Tusinski - 2006 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 21 (2-3):156-176.
    Advocates of dialogic communication have promoted two-way symmetrical communication as the most effective and ethical model for public relations. This article uses John Durham Peters's critique of dialogic communication to reconsider this infatuation with dialogue. In this article, we argue that dialogue's potential for selectivity and tyranny poses moral problems for public relations. Dialogue's emphasis on reciprocal communication also saddles public relations with ethically questionable quid pro quo relationships. We contend that dissemination can be more just than dialogue because it (...)
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    Acts Amid Precepts: The Aristotelian Logical Structure of Thomas Aquinas's Moral Theory.Kevin L. Flannery - 2001 - Catholic University of Amer Press.
    Although most natural law ethical theories recognize moral absolutes, there is not much agreement even among natural law theorists about how to identify them. The author argues that in order to understand and determine the morality (or immorality) of a human action, it must be considered in relation to the organized system of human practices within which it is performed. Such an approach, he argues, is to be found in the natural law theory of Thomas Aquinas, especially once it is (...)
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    Ways into the logic of Alexander of Aphrodisias.Kevin L. Flannery (ed.) - 1995 - New York: E.J. Brill.
    Ways into the Logic of Alexander of Aphrodisias is intended to give an overview of the logic of Alexander of Aphrodisias (fl. early third century A D). Since ...
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    Reduction's Future: Theology, Technology, and the Order of Knowledge.Kevin L. Hughes - 2009 - Franciscan Studies 67:227-242.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reduction's FutureTheology, Technology, and the Order of KnowledgeKevin L. HughesLet me begin with something of a confession. When as a young undergraduate I first encountered medieval texts, and so, for the first time, began to know something of the medieval "way of seeing," I was intoxicated. And I was intoxicated, in part, by the comprehensiveness and unity of this worldview, where God, humans, the cosmos, science, theology, philosophy, nature, (...)
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    The Aristotelian First Principle of Practical Reason.Kevin L. Flannery - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (3):441-464.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE ARISTOTELIAN FIRST PRINCIPLE OF PRACTICAL REASON KEVIN L. FLANNERY, S.J. Pontijicia Universitas Gregoriana Rome, Italy INTRODUCTION* I N THE Summa Theologiae I-II, q. 94, a. 2,1 Thomas Aquinas identifies what is often spoken of as "the first principle of practical reason"-that is, "that good is to be done and pursued, and evil is to be avoided." Thomas explains: All other precepts of the natural law are based (...)
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  6. Applying Aristotle in contemporary embryology.Kevin L. Flannery - 2003 - The Thomist 67 (2):249-278.
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    Cooperation with evil: Thomistic tools of analysis.Kevin L. Flannery - 2019 - Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.
    Contemporary society very often asks of individuals and/or corporate entities that they perform actions connected in some way with the immoral actions of other individuals or entities. Typically, in the attempt to determine what would be unacceptable cooperation with such immoral actions, Christian scholars and authorities refer to the distinction, which appears in the writings of Alphonsus Liguori, between material and formal cooperation, the latter being connected in some way with the cooperator's intention in so acting. While expressing agreement with (...)
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    (1 other version)1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era.Kevin L. Cope (ed.) - 2019 - Bucknell University Press.
    _1650-1850_ publishes essays and reviews from and about a wide range of academic disciplines—literature, philosophy, art history, history, religion, and science. Interdisciplinary in scope and approach, _1650-1850 _emphasizes aesthetic manifestations and applications of ideas, and encourages studies that move between the arts and the sciences—between the “hard” and the “humane” disciplines. The editors encourage proposals for “special features” that bring together five to seven essays on focused themes within its historical range, from the Interregnum to the end of the first (...)
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  9.  20
    On the Appropriation of Evil as Cooperation with Evil’s Mirror Image.Kevin L. Flannery - 2024 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 24 (1):45-56.
    Since its publication in the year 2000, M. Cathleen Kaveny’s article “Appropriation of Evil: Cooperation’s Mirror Image” has had a notable influence upon several scholars who appear to agree with its central argument— namely, that the theory of cooperation with evil needs to be supplemented by a concept that Kaveny calls “appropriation.” The main point of the present article is that Kaveny misrepresents the traditional theory regarding cooperation with evil and that appropriation, as she understands it, is therefore not the (...)
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  10.  33
    Three-Dimensional Logic.Kevin L. Flannery - 1988 - Philosophical Investigations 11 (1):74-87.
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  11.  22
    The synonymy of homonyms.Kevin L. Flannery - 1999 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 81 (3):268-289.
  12.  49
    Vital Conflicts and the Catholic Magisterial Tradition.Kevin L. Flannery - 2011 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 11 (4):691-704.
    This article considers M. Therese Lysaught’s analysis of an apparent abortion that occurred in Phoenix, Arizona, in 2009. Since Lysaught invokes it, the article considers Rev. Martin Rhonheimer’s theory about the bearing of vital conflict situations on the object of the act performed. A vital conflict situation is present when, for instance, the life of a mother might be spared if her fetus is aborted, otherwise she and the fetus will die. The article argues that the use of such situations (...)
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  13.  39
    Christianity Untried.Kevin L. Morris - 1995 - The Chesterton Review 21 (1/2):275-275.
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    The Mirror of Perfection.Kevin L. Morris - 1996 - The Chesterton Review 22 (4):445-473.
  15.  5
    50 Fast Digital Camera Techniques.Kevin L. Moss - 2005 - Wiley.
    Praise for 50 Fast Digital Camera Techniques "Applying the lively techniques in this book will make anyone's digital camera a more productive tool." -Al Francekevich, professional photographer, on the first edition Your digital camera is an amazing and versatile creative tool, with features and capabilities you probably haven't even explored-until now. Here are step-by-step instructions for 50 hot new techniques that take advantage of all the latest camera features, fully illustrated with stunning color photos taken by the author. No matter (...)
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    Action & character according to Aristotle: the logic of the moral life.Kevin L. Flannery - 2013 - Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.
    1. Logic, perception, and the practical syllogism -- 2. The "physical" structure of the human act -- 3. Internal articulation and force -- 4. The constituents of human action and ignorance thereof -- 5. Intelligibility and the per se -- 6. Action, [phronåesis], and pleasure -- 7. [Phronåesis] and the [phronimos] -- 8. Some other character types.
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    Rule of Law and the Virtue of Justice.Kevin L. Flannery - unknown - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association:1-19.
    The author considers, first of all, recent and fairly recent interpretations of Plato’s dialogue the Crito, arguing that the character Socrates, whose expressed ideas probably correspond in major detail to the convictions of the historical Socrates, is not saying that the laws of Athens demand unquestioning obedience. The dialogue is rather an account of the debate that goes on in Socrates’s mind itself. A strong consideration in this debate is clearly the rule of law; but equally strong is Socrates’s lifelong (...)
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  18. The multifarious moral object of Thomas Aquinas.Kevin L. Flannery - 2003 - The Thomist 67 (1):95-118.
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    John Finnis on Thomas Aquinas on Human Action.Kevin L. Flannery Sj - 2013 - In John Keown & Robert P. George, Reason, morality, and law: the philosophy of John Finnis. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 118.
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  20.  73
    Alexander of aphrodisias and others on a controversial demonstration in aristotle’s modal syllogistic.Kevin L. Flannery - 1993 - History and Philosophy of Logic 14 (2):201-214.
    (1993). Alexander of aphrodisias and others on a controversial demonstration in aristotle’s modal syllogistic. History and Philosophy of Logic: Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 201-214.
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    Assisted suicide: the liberal, humanist case against legalization.Kevin L. Yuill - 2013 - Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ;: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Kevin Yuill goes straight to the heart of a difficult issue. Critical of both sides of the discussion, this book presents an up-to-date analysis of the direction discussion is taking, showing that atheists, libertarians, those favouring abortion rights and stem-cell research should stand beside their religious compatriots in opposing legalization of assisted suicide. The author shows that the real issue behind the debate is not euthanasia but suicide. Rather than focusing on tragic cases, he indicates the real damage that (...)
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  22.  44
    Dating Adam Smith's Essay "Of the External Senses".Kevin L. Brown - 1992 - Journal of the History of Ideas 53 (2):333-337.
  23.  44
    Two Factors in the Analysis of Cooperation in Evil.Kevin L. Flannery - 2013 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 13 (4):663-675.
    The purpose of this essay is to explain what the terms “formal cooperation” and “material cooperation” mean in the thought of St. Alphonsus Liguori, who is a pivotal figure in the Church’s tradition of reflection on cooperation and is often referenced when the distinction between formal and material cooperation in evil is discussed. The author explains why—and to some extent when—mainstream Catholic moralists who associate themselves with Alphonsus speak of some cooperation as formal and other cooperation as material. Specifically, he (...)
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  24. Ultimate ends and incommensurable lives in Aristotle.Kevin L. Flannery - 2009 - In Lawrence Cunningham, Intractable Disputes About the Natural Law: Alasdair Macintyre and Critics. University of Notre Dame Press.
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    Augustine, The City of God (de civitate Dei): Abridged Study Edition. Introduction and Translation by William Babcock.Kevin L. Hughes - 2020 - Augustinian Studies 51 (2):222-224.
  26. Michael Haneke and the consequences of radical freedom.Kevin L. Stoehr - 2011 - In Jean-Pierre Boulé & Enda McCaffrey, Existentialism and contemporary cinema: a Sartrean perspective. New York: Berghahn Books.
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    Contradiction and Legislation Regarding the Right to Life.Kevin L. Flannery - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (4):1323-1333.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Contradiction and Legislation Regarding the Right to LifeKevin L. Flannery, S.J.Unborn Human Life and Fundamental Rights: Leading Constitutional Cases under Scrutiny. Edited by Pilar Zambrano and William Saunders, with concluding reflections by John Finnis. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2019.The most fundamental principle of law is the principle of non-contradiction. This is Thomas Aquinas's position in the seminal article on the natural law, Summa theologiae I-II, question 94, article 2, where, (...)
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    The Archive for the Psychology of Religion.Kevin L. Ladd - 2019 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 41 (1):3-11.
    As the Archive for the Psychology of Religion transitions to the SAGE publishing house, this editorial outlines the current vision and principles guiding the way forward. This includes a strong emphasis on publishing work that demonstrates transparency, precision, breadth, and depth in areas of theory, research, and pedagogy. The primary article types are described and the submission practicalities are addressed.
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  29. Why does Elizabeth Anscombe say that we need today a philosophy of psychology?Kevin L. Flannery - 2009 - In Craig Steven Titus, Philosophical psychology: psychology, emotions, and freedom. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press.
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  30. The field of moral action according to Thomas Aquinas.Kevin L. Flannery - 2005 - The Thomist 69 (1):1-30.
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  31. Synderesis, conscientia and human rights.S. J. Kevin L. Flannery - 2022 - In Tom P. S. Angier, Iain T. Benson & Mark Retter, The Cambridge handbook of natural law and human rights. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Alexander of aphrodisias and others on a controversial demonstration in aristotle’s modal syllogistic.S. J. Kevin L. Flannery - 1993 - History and Philosophy of Logic 14 (2):201-214.
    Aristotle’s treatment of mixed, first-figure, problematic-assertoric syllogisms has generated a good deal of controversy among modern commentators.I argue that W.D.Ross’s criticism of A.Becker’s cr...
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  33. Synderesis, conscientia and human rights.S. J. Kevin L. Flannery - 2022 - In Tom P. S. Angier, Iain T. Benson & Mark Retter, The Cambridge handbook of natural law and human rights. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Inward, Outward, Upward Prayer and Big Five Personality Traits.Kevin L. Ladd, Meleah L. Ladd, Julie Harner, Ted Swanson, Tricia Metz, Kate St Pierre & Danielle Trnka - 2007 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 29 (1):151-175.
    Personality and prayer are both conceptualized as focusing on issues of connectivity with the self and beyond. Individual participants each recruited a peer to join the study . Participants rated themselves according to multi-item scales that detail five personality factors . They also responded to an instrument specifying eight foci of the inward, outward, and upward cognitive content of prayer ; these eight foci were reduced to three prayer themes: internal concerns, embracing paradox, and bold assertion. Finally, respondents reported the (...)
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    Evolution of Desire: A Life Ascending.Kevin L. Hughes - 2018 - The Bulletin of the Colloquium on Violence and Religion 58:10-13.
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    The Virtues of Circular Reasoning.Kevin L. Stoehr - 2000 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 5:159-171.
    This paper examines Hegel’s chief paradigm for interpreting his dialectical method, which is that of circularity. The position that Hegel’s Logic (whether Greater or Lesser) begins without presuppositions loses validity upon clarification of this model of reasoning. Philosophy must begin necessarily with presuppositions, according to Hegel, and can only be justified adequately by explaining those presuppositions while also reflecting upon its own immanent method of explanation. Philosophy must therefore be self-reflexive, immanent, and systematic (or holistic). Such a view of philosophy (...)
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    Moral Truth and Moral Tradition: Essays in Honour of Peter Geach and Elizabeth Anscombe.Kevin L. Flannery - 1995 - International Philosophical Quarterly 35 (4):497-501.
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    Remember Bonaventure? (Onto)Theology and Ecstasy.Kevin L. Hughes - 2003 - Modern Theology 19 (4):529-545.
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    Christian and moral action.Kevin L. Flannery - 2012 - Arlington, Virginia: The Institute for the Psychological Sciences Press.
    Written for non-specialists, this concise and accessible work by moral philosopher Kevin L. Flannery engages in a careful reflection of the moral issues of greatest importance in the lives of Christians today. After introductory chapters on the relationship between ethics and church teaching, and on the relevance of action theory--the study of the nature and structure of human actions--Flannery applies Aristotle's and Thomas Aquinas's theory of human action to the following topics: sexual morality, reproduction, killing and keeping alive, cooperation (...)
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  40. Deficient Critical Thinking Skills among College Graduates: Implications for leadership.Kevin L. Flores, Gina S. Matkin, Mark E. Burbach, Courtney E. Quinn & Heath Harding - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (2):212-230.
    Although higher education understands the need to develop critical thinkers, it has not lived up to the task consistently. Students are graduating deficient in these skills, unprepared to think critically once in the workforce. Limited development of cognitive processing skills leads to less effective leaders. Various definitions of critical thinking are examined to develop a general construct to guide the discussion as critical thinking is linked to constructivism, leadership, and education. Most pedagogy is content-based built on deep knowledge. Successful critical (...)
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    Think Unique: Perceptions of Uniqueness Increases Resistance to Persuasion and Attitude-Intention Relations.Kevin L. Blankenship, Kelly A. Kane & Marielle G. Machacek - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The present research examines whether the perceived uniqueness of one’s thoughts and salience of uniqueness motivations can influence attitude strength and resistance. Participants who rated their thoughts as relatively unique formed attitudes that showed greater correspondence with behavioral intentions to act on the attitude (Study 1). In Study 2, participants who recalled a previous purchase motivated by the desire to be unique (versus to fit in) after generating message counterarguments were less persuaded (more resistant) and reported greater willingness to act (...)
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    James K. A. Smith, You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit.Kevin L. Hughes - 2016 - Augustinian Studies 47 (2):256-257.
  43.  34
    St. Bonaventure's Collationes in Hexaëmeron: Fractured Sermons and Protreptic Discourse.Kevin L. Hughes - 2005 - Franciscan Studies 63 (1):107-129.
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    The ratio Dei and the ambiguities of history.Kevin L. Hughes - 2005 - Modern Theology 21 (4):645-661.
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  45. On counseling the Lesser evil.L. Kevin & Sj Flannery - 2011 - The Thomist 75 (2):245-289.
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    Chesterton and Kenelm Henry Digby.Kevin L. Morris - 1985 - The Chesterton Review 11 (3):332-337.
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    Chesterton's Conversion: Hesitation and the Recovery of Infancy.Kevin L. Morris - 1992 - The Chesterton Review 18 (3):371-383.
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    Augustine and the Adversary: Strategies of Synthesis in Early Medieval Exegesis.Kevin L. Hughes - 1999 - Augustinian Studies 30 (2):221-233.
  49.  24
    Deep Reasonings: Sources Chretiennes, Ressourcement, and the Logic of Scripture in the years before—and after—Vatican II.Kevin L. Hughes - 2013 - Modern Theology 29 (4):32-45.
  50.  40
    The 'fourfold sense': De lubac, Blondel and contemporary theology.Kevin L. Hughes - 2001 - Heythrop Journal 42 (4):451–462.
    Henri de Lubac's contribution to Catholic theology is well‐known. But the work of the latter part of his career on medieval exegesis has received less scholarly acclaim. Historians of exegesis find it apologetic and too theological, and thus unhelpful in their field, while most theologians, with a few exceptions, have seemed to find it too historical for their work. This article argues that de Lubac's Medieval Exegesis is an exercise in theology, but specifically a tradition‐oriented historical theology. Drawing upon Maurice (...)
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